Information about the project applicant «Innovative university – tool of integration to European educational and research area» - Scientific educational institute of European integration researches    

The main objectives of the Institute:

· systematic study of basic geostrategic orientations of Ukraine, the state of European integration government priorities implementation in the context of multilevel foreign policy;

· complex research of the topics: "Current problems of Ukraine's Foreign Policy in a Global modernity", "Geopolitics of Ukraine: History and Modernity", "European Integration: Ukrainian dimension"; "Euro-regional cooperation of Ukraine";

· scientific development, publication and  curriculum implementation of textbooks and teaching aids of  new generation on issues of European integration of Ukraine and foreign policy of Ukraine in the context of globalization.

In 2007-2013  The Institute was twice the winner of research projects competitions, announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for scientific research with public funding.

In 2007-2009  "Development of scientific-methodological and organizational support for the integration of European and Euroatlantic integration of Ukraine into the content of preparing students majoring in" International Relations "in higher education and its implementation at the regional level"

In 2011-2013 The Institute is working on the implementation of fundamental research “Conceptual and institutional foundations of Euro-regional cooperation of Ukraine in terms of integration and globalization processes of modernity”

During the last three years, the Institute is working on the implementation of European projects

2013-2014 «Borders through the eyes of people»  Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Programme (as a partner)

2015-2016 «Innovative  university – tool of integration to European educational and research area»

    Our partners in the project are the University of Rzeszow (Poland), University of Debrecen (Hungary), Technical University in Košice (Slovakia) and the Institute for transfrontier co-operation.

    The project implementation is displayed on this site, media (a first of  working calendar project "Transcarpathian truth" of 07.03.2015r.)

     The working meeting of experts prepared a special edition Ukrainian and English languages Newsletter "Innovative projects Science Park UzhNU " as well as Ukrainian and  English booklets which contain general information about the project.

  In 2015, Scientific- educational institute of European integration researches prepared grant project «Creating the mechanism to form a positive image of NATO in the Ukrainian society». The application form sent to the headquarter of NATO.

  A series of publications "European Integration: Ukrainian Dimension", launched in 2007, has currently 21 editions devoted to the issue of European integration course of Ukraine, the nature of the process of international integration and globalization.

  "Ukrainian dimension of European integration" (author - Director of the Institute I.Artomov) in the category "Best Educational edition of Social and Human Sciences» due to the results of the All-Ukrainian competition "University Book - 2010 " has won the 2nd place, which proved the high qualification competence of all Institute editions. In addition, The TSU was awarded a gold medal in the International Exhibition - "Education and Career - 2011" for the creation and implementation of teaching methods of new generation, developed by the Institute. This area has received positive feedback from the Minister of Education of Ukraine D.Tabachnyk during the familiarization with university exhibition stand.

The Institute was founded and published two periodicals - collections of scientific papers "Ukraine Geopolitics: Past and Present" and "International Scientific Journal" that have International Standard Serial Number ISSN.

The Institute conducts fruitful scientific work with students. The winners of the national competitions began research work on theme Research Institute prepared under the auspices Ph.D., Professor Ivan Artjomov.: 2009 Ruslana Krivenkova (1st place), Adrian Brodych (2nd place), Bogdan Spielmann (3rd place); in 2010 - Ivanna Henyk (2nd place), Diana Bilak (3rd place); 2011 - Lily Kampov (1st place), Natalia Gomonay (2nd place), Andrei Bezverkhnii and Olga Movchan (3rd place). In 2013, Helen Dudurych became the winner of the All-Ukrainian Youth Contest "Innovative Intellect of Ukraine."