Innovation university





 The project is funded by International Visegrad Found


European  Integration Studies –is as the  structural unit of Uzhgorod National University – started the academic project "Innovative University - tool integration in European education and research area", funded by the International Visegrad Fund. Project implementation period’s 2015-2016 years. Project is administrated by project coordinator Prof.Volodymyr Smolanka, Rector of UzhNU and project manager , Prof. Ivan Artjomov, director of institute for European integration studies.



All successful innovative  systems of the world are combined by general principle – the Universities are  not only a member of the innovation process but its core. It is the main center of the public resources and efforts application  into innovation. There is no doubt, important impulse of innovation add research projects, general aims - the development, analysis of European and global experience of innovation in high school by cooperation with manufacturing companies in the region and scientific institutions at Visegrad countries, the conception of transforming to innovative university of European type on a base of UzhNU.


Volodymyr Smolanka,

rector of Uzhgorod National University,

coordinator of the project


The activities of universities in the world are increasingly evaluated in terms of cost-effective use of technology and obtaining strategic competitive advantage in the long term perspective. Therefore, research project, which would be implemented by UzhNU – is an important step towards a significant increase of innovation potential of higher education.


 Volodymyr Lugovyy

First Vice-President

of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

national expert on higher education reform

Scientific project consultant



The project has both regional and national importance. In the project implementation will be created a platform of open innovations  for businesses, educational and scientific institutions of Transcarpathia. Its purpose in cooperation with the Science Park UzhNU is to promote cooperation between enterprises, universities, government agencies and  local governments to commercialize technological and organizational innovations.

Science park UzhNU become basic innovative structure in the region that will promote interaction between the university and business.

Igor Studenyak,

Vice-Rector of scientific work UzhNU


Implementation of research project funded by the Visegrad Fund will contribute the preparation of high-quality professionals able to think creatively, quickly oriented in saturated information space to generate creative solutions, competently insuring the interests of Ukraine, it will be patriots. Implementation of the project will contribute to the integration of the University into European and world educational and scientific space.

Our project partners are the University of Rzeszow (Poland), University of Debrecen (Hungary), Technical University in. Kosice (Slovakia) and the Institute for Transfrontier Cooperation (Uzhhorod, Ukraine).

Ivan Artjomov,

Director of the Institute of European integration studies

the project manager


The main goal of the project is to develop over 2015-2016, based on analysis of European, particularly the V4 countries, and international experience on innovative activity of high school that is working with manufacturing companies in the region and academic institutions of Visegrad countries concept will assist in the context of cross-border cooperation in the Transcarpathian region to create regional innovation structure entitled.

Science Park "Uzhhorod National University" innovative institution should be established in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the region through implementation of scientific-technical and innovation activities of research institutions, effective use of existing scientific potential, extensive attracting domestic and foreign scientific and technical developments and technology, regional manufacturing, energy, natural raw materials, technology, logistical and human resources.