According to the calendar of events of the international research project its applicant – ER Institute of European Integration Studies of Uzhhorod National University – organized next round table of experts of the project. The purpose of the "round table" of experts is to discuss topical aspects in preparation of the concept of innovative development for universities, development of mechanisms for transformation UzhNU in university of innovative type.

The current third edition of the "Work Calendar" prepared on materials of the mentioned round table of experts with the direct participation of employees of the ER Institute of European Integration Studies.

To discuss the future of the Concept of innovative University have joined members of the international expert group of the research project, vice rectors, deans, researchers, postgraduate students and applicants of Uzhhorod National University.


On November, 12-14th in Kyiv was held International specialized exhibition "Education and Career – Students Day 2015", which was attended by over 100 higher education institutions from Ukraine and foreign countries.

The SU "UzhNU" was presented in two thematic nominations for which received the highest awards, such as the Grand Prix in the category "Innovative development of education and modern educational technology", which was prepared by the results of research materials obtained during the implementation of research project "Innovative university – tool of integration to European educational and research area" (№ 21470150), realized by the ERI of European integration studies of UzhNU (director – Ivan Artjomov) with the financial support of the International Visegrad Fund.

Exhibition stands and presentation of the university attracted considerable attention not only exhibition participants but also respected guests: Vasyl Kremen, President of NAES of Ukraine (The National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine), Andriy Hevko, Deputy Minister of Education of Ukraine, as well as highly respected representatives of foreign delegations.



On November, 27th was held a meeting of the Academic Council of UzhNU. Ivan Artjomov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor, project coordinator addressed with the presentation. The University Academic Council acknowledged the successful approbation of scientific research results of the ERI of European integration studies obtained during the implementation of research project "Innovative university – tool of integration to European educational and research area".


December 8, 2015 according to the calendar of events of the international research project its applicant – ER Institute of European Integration Studies of Uzhhorod National University – organized next round table of experts of the project on “ACTUAL ASPECTS IN PREPARATION OF THE CONCEPT OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR UNIVERSITY”. The purpose of the "round table" of experts is to discuss topical aspects in preparation of the concept of innovative development for universities, development of mechanisms for transformation UzhNU in university of innovative type.

To discuss the future of the Concept of innovative University have joined members of the international expert group of the research project, vice rectors, deans, researchers, postgraduate students and applicants of Uzhhorod National University.


By "round table" of experts will be issued a special edition of the collection of scientific papers "Geopolitics of Ukraine: History and Modernity" which is published twice a year by the ERI of European integration studies. This edition has an international registration number ISSN, allowing users to more than 100 countries to familiarize with its materials.

During September, 2015 in the course of implementation of the research project "Innovative university - tool integration to European educational and research area» (№ 21470150), funded by the International Visegrad Fund, formed the organizational structure of the Science Park of Uzhhorod National University.

After approving the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Order dated 07.07.2015 No. 718) on establishment of the "Science Park Uzhhorod National University" and approval of the list of priority directions of its activity, was made the next important step towards the formation of a structure, which is as follows:

Implementation of the structural elements of the Science Park enables it to coordinate the activities of each component and provide practical implementation in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine the technology of "knowledge triangle" and technology transfer to implement research activities in enterprises, institutions, business environment of the regional economy.

ERI of European Integration Studies of the SU "UzhNU" continues work on implementation of the research project "Innovative university – tool of integration to European educational and research area" (No. 21470150).

According to the Сalendar of events (Attachment 3 to the Grant project) during the period from 17 to 25 August 2015, project coordinator Ivan Artjomov received reports of experts who presented the results of research, namely:

- Innovative activities of Ukrainian universities: analytical review.


- Innovative projects of UzhNU: role of the Science Park in their implementation.


- Innovations in Education and Science of the Visegrad Group Countries.


- Innovations in Education and Science of the certain countries of Europe, Asia and America.


- Implementation of educational innovations in Ukraine – an important prerequisite of integration to European educational and research area.


Project Coordinator, summing up this phase of work, mentioned that by clearly organized work of the heads of expert groups and methodological consultations by prof. V. Luhovyi – First Vice President of NAES of Ukraine, it was studied and analyzed a significant amount of information on implementation of innovative approach in the work of leading universities of Ukraine, the V4 countries and certain universities of America and Asia.

It is concluded that prepared analytical materials will become a powerful basis for further work on the development of the project of UzhNU innovative development Concept.

We note that in parallel with the work of expert groups were analyzed in detail, in terms of efficiency, the existing innovative base of UzhNU.

Beginning from September 1, 2015 starts the practical work on development of the project of UzhNU innovative development Concept and preparation for the round table and next meeting of experts of international working groups that will be held in December 2015.